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Posted by TopstepTrader on November 08, 2017

So You Broke a Rule. Now What?

We all make mistakes - some more painful than others. But if you've just broke one of TopstepTrader's rules (or even your own rules), you may be feeling a bit down. Don't. Nearly every billionaire...

Posted by TopstepTrader on November 06, 2017

Building $12,000 to $250,000 Over 4 Years, Then Losing It All in 3 Days

Like many of us, Bill Lipschutz got his start trading on a small account - just $12,000. Lipschutz had an innate ability and was successful trading from the start, taking four years to build that...

Posted by TopstepTrader on October 18, 2017

Are Great Traders Born or Made? $150 Million in Trading Profits Gives Us the Answer

Is great trading a learned skill or an innate ability?

If this sounds like a question that could be at the heart of a movie, that's because it was. In Trading Places, two brothers that ran a...

Posted by TopstepTrader on October 10, 2017

How George Soros Made $1 Billion Shorting the British Pound

In 1992, George Soros made one of the most legendary trades of all time: a substantial bet that the British Pound would plummet in value. In hindsight, the trade looks like a no brainer (similar to...

Posted by TopstepTrader on September 05, 2017

7 Rules Legendary Trader Paul Tudor Jones Lives By

Paul Tudor Jones is one of the most aggressive and legendary futures traders of the modern era. His first money management fund, Tudor Futures Fund, went from managing $1 million at launch in 1984 to...

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