Futures & Forex Trading Blog - Topstep

Mastering Trading Emotions and Improving Performance - Limit Up! with Rande Howell

Written by TopstepTrader | December 20, 2017

Every great trader works seriously on their mental performance to increase their P&L - without exception. Understanding how the brain is - and is not - suited for trading can allow you to realize how to manage your instinct. 

There's no better person to lay out these factors than Rande Howell - a 15-year trading psychologist who has helped traders, portfolio managers and money managers improve their performance. 

Rande talks about the way that our brains are designed and goes over some exercises that can help us identify in the moment when we may not be making the best trading decisions. As Rande says, it's not about fighting emotions, but embracing them - and then realizing what that typically means for our performance.

Give it a listen - and be sure to subscribe to Limit Up on iTunes or Google Play. 

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